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Blooming Anthem

At church they sang one of my husband’s favorite songs, Jesus is Better, why is this something I remember? Because he mentioned that he loved this song because it has the word anthem in it.

Glory, glory, we have no other king But Jesus Lord of all We raise the anthem our loudest praises ring We crown Him Lord of all

And anthem gives him a picture of someone holding up a flag with pride. Now this may not be a significant conversation, more like a thought just spoken and forgotten. But my husband processes things that make me want to take note. No, this is not going to be a gushy blog post, but it is important to note those people who make you step back and look deeper into things, who challenge you and don’t go mainstream in their thinking. This is who my husband is, he has helped me mature in my thoughts and to not just take everything at face value. Some may call this rebellion, which he is rebellious, but I am a rule follower and I would never be able to break through the mold if God didn’t put Russell in my life. So, what is my anthem? What cause am I fighting? Honestly, I do not know. I have passions, I want to help others and I love giving people gifts to show them love. But it doesn’t feel like enough, I feel like I may be wasting my time here on Earth. I know we all have our own gifts and abilities, but am I using mine? Not really. I desperately want to but how is it that the desire to do God’s will can get so easily put at the bottom of my list? That you pray to be closer to God have a stronger relationship with him and then somehow another week goes by and you feel you did nothing to further his kingdom.

Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade Is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Say, do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that we bring When tomorrow comes!

Our pastor said a phrase that really stuck with me “bloom where you are planted”,

so where have I been planted? I am a stay at home mom to a 1 year old, married, I have a gift basket business (that I am trying to figure out how to make gift baskets and also give my son the attention he deserves), I write a blog and am starting some podcasts for fun, all to be done during my sons nap times or after he goes to bed. So what do I do with this? What am I fighting for?

Sing it out, boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means Sing it out, girl before they kill what tomorrow brings You've got to make a choice If the music drowns you out And raise your voice Every single time they try and shut your mouth

Now, this should be the part in the post where I give my answer…but I don’t have one, I am struggling to find how I can be who God wants me to be. I am not a fan of sitting around talking about what I want to do, I want to go and do it. Why am I telling you all of this? Because that image my husband says he sees when singing about an anthem, that image in my head had many people standing together. Not to be alone in what I do or what I try to achieve but that I am stronger with others beside me.

When you got a hundred voices singin', who can hear a lousy whistle blow?

So, I guess what I want to know is, what is your cause? What anthem are you singing? Can I help you with yours, where you are planted? Or did I mention something in my life that you want to partner with me on. I am planted where God wants me to be, but I can choose to bloom, I want to bloom.

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