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Conversation between Corrie TenBoom and her father, Casper:

“Father, what is sex sin?” He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing. At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case from the rack over our heads, and set it on the floor. “Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?” he said. “It's too heavy,” I said. “Yes,” he said. “And it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It's the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.” And I was satisfied. More than satisfied – wonderfully at peace. There were answers to this and all my hard questions. For now I was content to leave them in my father's keeping.

Whenever I read this excerpt from The Hiding Place, I am reminded of my dad and his desire to love and protect me, always. The comfort I find in this fact, yes it is a fact because my dad has always fiercely loved me and still does all he can to protect me. Which I am sure has annoyed him at times as I have become an adult and we have disagreed on movies and various other little things;)

Little ways my dad has shown love to me that has impacted me greatly:

Waking up to my dad praying over me before he left for work every morning, Coming downstairs to see my dad doing his quiet time in his rocking chair, singing worship songs at the top of his lungs while he works out, giving me a bear hug every time he sees me, not letting me leave without him telling me he loves me, continually telling me he is proud of me, always telling me how great my mom is, intentionally making an effort to have a relationship with his dad, being able to talk through life things with him, seeing him love my child and wanting to be close with all his grandkids. Honestly, I could go on but that would take hours to write.

Dad, you have always been a help to me when I am struggling to have a close relationship with God. I always know how to get back into a right relationship with Him by mirroring yours with Him and I can always get back on track. You are a spiritual leader in every way and I know the Father’s love because of the love you have shown me. I am frustrated with these words because they are only able to express a fraction of what you mean to me and how you have greatly impacted my life. I love you so much!

Lauren’s thoughts:

Dad always shows us the love of Christ. He constantly corrected the false teachings of the world and I have always trusted his wisdom and sought to have a relationship with God like he has. He whole heartedly relies on God and it is evident in his daily life. He loves mom and cared and provided for all of us growing up. I think the biggest thing I notice is his prayers of protection over us. There are things I am blessed with that I know are because Dad has already prayed for that for us. I don't know why Colin and I are so blessed in our marriage and then I think Dad has always been praying for it. I don't know why I was blessed with such a beautiful, fun, and kind son and then I know it's because dad prayed for it. Because of his prayers and dad being faithful in his relationship with God we get the blessing even through we are not under his roof. It has also showed all of us where to turn when we feel defeated or when we are happy. It has showed us to always give God the glory no matter what we have going on. I will be forever grateful for his provision in our lives. I am so overwhelmed with admiration for my daddy! I love you dad!!!

Erin's Thoughts:

I’ve never questioned if my dad loved me more than anything in the world. I’ve never questioned if my dad loved my mom or ever questioned for one second that he would EVER leave my mom. I’ve felt completely secure my entire life and I know that my dad would never stop loving me for anything in the world. I’m responsible for my own happiness and ‘responsible’ behavior but I know having such a positive and pure love example has helped me to be able to bounce back quickly when I’ve been in situations where people have tried to knock me down completely. Thank you Dad for living up to the word Dad and giving me the childhood and adulthood that every girl dreams about! I’ve always known that I hit the jackpot life with my parents and I’m so happy that my kids get to live it out everyday too! #wedontneedthingsorexperiences #weneedparentswholoveusandwillneverleaveusshowingusGodslovethroughexample #weareheretotellothersaboutGod #myparentstoldmehowicouldliveforeternityandichosetoacceptGodandillspendeternitywiththemtoo! #lifeistooshorttoletpeoplequestionifyoulovethemorifyouwillhangaround

Thank you, daddy.

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